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Wishing You Love, Joy and Happiness at Christmas

As I thankfully experience yet another Christmas and Holiday Season, I send you all my wishes for much love, joy, and happiness. As I have in many years’ past, I am completely enjoying the beautiful sight of Christmas lights and decorations all around me as my neighborhood and the surrounding areas prepare for Christmas Day, celebrating the birth of Jesus and the arrival of Santa.  I moved to a new home this past year, and I’m happy to report that my new surroundings are filled with as much Christmas spirit and enthusiasm as my old neighborhood.  And again, the lights and decorations vary in volume and splendor but are true expressions of the people and the holiday traditions, new or old, that mean something to them. I am amazed by some of the artistry and creativity displayed in the Christmas decorations in Florida.

For many people, the Christmas Season is the happiest time of year. They love the magic of Christmas and the nostalgia of familiar customs and traditions, religious rituals, special foods, music, movies, and memories of family and loved ones during past Christmas celebrations. Traditions keep us connected to family or loved ones, and they help us create bonds with each other, even if those traditions include the beach, sand between your toes, or a trip to Disney like many of us in Florida.

For new parents or blended families, it is exciting to create new or both old and new traditions and rituals that their children will remember and look forward to for years to come. While some traditions may no longer be practical or even possible due to the passing of loved ones, or the geographical distance between family members or simply because of the financial burden, we can focus on creating new traditions and memories to give us a sense of continuity, meaning and a feeling of being part of the Christmas Celebration.  Even if your Christmas celebration is a modest dinner and an evening of Christmas movies after church, it is your tradition, and something to look forward to and be thankful for!

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

Most of my family live in different states, and after my husband passed away, many of our family traditions of old are just not possible or practical anymore. But I am fortunate to have my daughter close by and we both hold on to as many of our old traditions as we can. And I love sharing in the new traditions that my daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter have created for their family.

Photo by Cameron Stewart on Unsplash

We live in Florida, and Disney World is close by, so it has become one of their traditions (my favorite and their Christmas present to me) to spend a day at Epcot’s International Festival of the Holidays. The holiday decorations are amazing, and we get to share in the holiday and cultural stories, traditional foods, beverages, and entertainment of many nations around the world.

Sadly though, for some, the Christmas Season can bring about unhappiness or depression because of illness or the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, or bad memories of a Christmas past. Some are away from or have separated themselves from family members and seeing families celebrating together causes pain or resentment. Some hate the over-commercialization of Christmas and feel as though it is nothing more than a merchant’s holiday. In the process of being confronted with the things that make them feel inadequate or just not a part of any celebration, they have lost the true meaning and spirit of Christmas.

For those of you who know loved ones, family, friends, or even a stranger that is feeling lost this Christmas season, give them a standing invitation to dinner or a movie or present them with a small gift every Christmas. Include them in some way in your own Christmas celebrations or share some time with them every Christmas. Help them rediscover the true magic and meaning of Christmas or help them to look forward to a new Christmas tradition with you.

Sending you wishes for a blessed Christmas filled with love, joy, and happiness.

🎅🤶🎄 Merry Christmas!  ❤💚

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2 thoughts on “Wishing You Love, Joy and Happiness at Christmas”

  1. I love everything that you write. You say it with some much meaning coming truly from your heart. Merry Christmas.🎄 I love you 😘 I enjoy 😊 your practical reflections!!

    1. mm

      Thank you so much Sandy! I am so glad that you enjoyed this and that you like Love you too and sending you wishes for a Very Very Merry
      Christmas. 🎅🤶🎄❤

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