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Speak Up and Speak Out!

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” 

An Erosion of Rights and Freedom

This quote has been attributed to Adolph Hitler, but it has never been proven that he did say it.  Some believe that the attempt to assign the quote to him was merely a ploy to lend credence to someone’s political agenda.  While I could not find any verification that Hitler did say this, I could not find any proof that he did not say it.

But, regardless of the origin, it is the words that influence me.  As I look at current events taking place in our country, I find myself feeling uncomfortable and a bit panicked that this type of erosion is precisely what is happening around us.  I face the stark realization that we have been taking our rights, our freedoms, and our rule of law for granted for much too long now.

It seems that slowly but surely and while none of us noticed, the socialist or communist trojan horses were sneaking into our government, our justice system, our educational, religious, and other institutions, in an effort to bring our country to its knees (as many seem to support).   All this is and has been happening while we were (and are) focused on earning a living, raising our children, and maintaining a happy home and family. I am guessing, but I believe that many feel the same discomfort that I do when they see what is happening in our country today. 

A Redistribution of Wealth and A Desire to Control

The slow disintegration of our rights, freedoms, and the rule of law, seems to be supported by those who have been seduced into believing that these changes are necessary to right some wrong or bias that has occurred in the past, the present, or may occur in the future.  Or, are supported by those who advocate for socialism and the redistribution of wealth (or are using those reasons as an excuse or justification for their actions to gain control). 

Lessons Learned from History

While I fully advocate for change to correct injustices that are occurring in the present, I know that we cannot (or should not allow anyone to attempt to) change history.  It should remain intact as it occurred so that we can learn from it and not repeat those same mistakes now or in the future.

While we often hear sayings such as “history is over and done with.” Yes, history is over and done with, but if we fail to acknowledge it and learn from both the successes and failures that may have been made, and the lessons learned, we miss the opportunity to build a better future for all.  

 But I think William Wordsworth described it best when he said, Life is divided into three terms – that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future.

Ensuring That Our Voices are Heard

We must do whatever we can to stop this erosion of our rights, freedoms, the rule of law and educate those who seek the redistribution of wealth about the real pitfalls of fascism, socialism, and communism.

Interesting reading and food for thought on the subject are the tales depicted in the “Atlas Shrugged” books by Ayn Rand. In these books, the author weaves a fictional account of extremes that can happen ‘when state intervention in society allows unproductive people to “leech” the hard-earned wealth of the productive. Rand contends that the outcome of any individual’s life is purely a function of their ability, and that any individual could overcome adverse circumstances, given ability and intelligence’ (Peikoff, L.) (great reads and movies available for free on Amazon Prime).

If you are as frustrated as I am with what is going on in our country today, let’s pay attention to every little detail that erodes our rights and freedoms. Let’s pay attention to how our government and the rules of law are being corrupted and doing everything that we can to help stop the insanity.  Even if it is merely letting our voices be heard as loudly and as often as possible on every issue where a threat to our freedom, rights, and the rule of law exists. We must also ensure the integrity of elections, fighting against all attempts to change election laws to allow corruption to occur, masked as an attempt to make voting easier.  But, despite the voting irregularities that we continue to witness, it remains critical that we make sure that we vote on election day! 

Peikoff, Leonard. “Introduction to the 35th Anniversary Edition”. In Rand 1992, pp. 6–8

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